| Print Information
With the changing photo printing industry, the Selyem photographs are now scanned from original medium or large format transparencies or negatives, and digitally printed on high quality semigloss paper using pigment inks. Wilhelm Research says the display permanence rating for the paper/ink combination we use is greater than 100 years, and longer if framed using UV glass. Bruce autographs each print with his signature and the location.
The pictures you see in the photo gallery are scanned from 35mm slides or are low resolution digital camera pictures. However, for the best results they will be printed from medium format transparencies, or if available, from 4"x5" large format transparencies. We will reproduce the format of the website image as close as possible, but keep in mind there may be slight differences because of format variables. This means that a 35mm slide scan (or digital camera file) does not have exactly the same aspect ratio (proportions) as an 11x14, an 11x14 does not have the same aspect ratio as a 16x20, and so forth.
The availability of a size will depend on the original transparency's inherent qualities to be enlarged without loss of sharpness. For example, enlarging to 30x40 is best achieved from a 4x5 transparency. However there are circumstances, intended viewing distance for example, when enlarging to 30x40 from a medium format transparency works well. Our own walls have some framed 30x40s (they are impressive) and we can literally get right up to them without loss of quality. Some walls include large prints from medium format transparencies but they are best viewed from a few feet away.