With their rapid departure from the landscape, you begin to appreciate them more. all the more reason to own a Selyem print. I relish viewing mine every day in my office.
Rick Fifer, National Sales Manager, 4B Elevator Components, E. Peoria, Il
Bruce is an artist, and many of his photographs are just striking. some depict history in passing, and so there's a poignant sadness to them. But the images also reveal how genuinely grain buildings seem to fit into their surroundings. Bruce must have recognized the beauty and importance of those relationships -- grain elevators and great plains -- because he's made it his life's work is to capture them on film and show them to others. Bruce is an original on a mission, and his landscapes are uniquely powerful.
Chuck House, The Grain Elevator & Processing Society, Minneapolis, MN
Memories are precious and their preservation is priceless... like the rest of the world, our industry continues to change, and your efforts to preserve those memories are most appreciated. thank you...
Roger Dowdy, General Manager of Operations, Consolidated Grain & Barge, Wayne City, IL
As I sit among the artificial valleys created by the buildings of the windy city, I cherish the "view" through my photo of the prairie and the grain elevator from Acme, MT standing in serene solitude.
Tom Runyon, President, Seedburo Equipment Co., Chicago, IL
These grand old grain storage monuments are disappearing from the landscape and without the work of Bruce Selyem would disappear from memory. His photos preserve these early centers of agricultural with such passion and love that you to won't be able to resist displaying them in your office or home.
Jon F. Baker, President, Sidney Manufacturing Company, Sidney, Ohio
Bruce Selyem is by trade a professional photographer, an outsider looking in on our nostalgic grain elevator history. We owe him a great deal in that through his grain elevator photography he has awakened in us respect for those in whose footsteps we are walking.
Steve Cunneen, President, Mill & Elevator Supply, Kansas City, MO
I can't tell you how much we at Essmueller have enjoyed the three feed mill prints purchased for our offices. Every customer that has visited our plant has stopped and asked about the pictures. They enjoy looking at a piece of our feed milling history. The best part about it is we can enjoy them everyday. You and Bruce are doing a great service for our industry. Keep it up and best of luck in the future.
Bill and Pat Mclean, the Essmueller Company, Laurel, Mississippi
We have purchased several Selyem prints for our office and have received many compliments on their beauty. It is important to preserve the history and what can be the beauty of the country elevator. Thank you for your dedication and talent to saving these treasures.
Andy Heck, President, Edward J. Heck & Sons Company, Omaha, NE
Bruce treats old crib elevators as one would treat a waif. If he could take them home his house would be full of them. But he can't so he lovingly captures them in his magnificent photos.
Steve Cunneen, President, Mill & Elevator Supply, Kansas City, MO